Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Teaser from 8-17-08

It was another great evening with some great people yet again! Chad Spjuth (STi), Dustin Cook (S4), Ricky Vigil (VR4), and myself (TSi) met Sunday afternoon with the cars prepped and ready to be shot! We started off with a nice cruise through denver with the loud exhaust sounds followed by BOV's echoing off of the tall buildings surrounding us. We were led all through Denver yet again with some great people. We actually met up with some of our bicyclist friends for a little and we even made friends with some really cool Federal Police Officers! Although, the security guard at Union Station wasn't so cool. It was another great night with some even better results!

Here is just a few teasers from the night! More to come!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Rainy day with number 464/2000

So, today was quite the day; filled with rain, puddles, potholes, loss of traction even with awd, lots of driving and oh yeah, lots of shots of Ricky's Galant VR4 in the rain! It was a fun day for sure! The outcome of the rainy day seems to have turned out fairly well! I am hoping for a much nicer day soon so we can get some more shots of his great car! Well, I hope you enjoy some of my favorite images from our adventures today!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008

June 29, 2008 - Aspen White and Obsidian Black Pearl

Our most recent event was a drive and shoot with Chad's Obsidian Black Pearl STI and John's Aspen White STI. It started off with a cruise down 6th Avenu where we were able to click a few shots off of John's beautiful car. Then the rest of the night we were led all around Denver finding many new locations for both still and motion shots.

May 22, 2008 Obsidian Black Pearl & Urban Gray Metallic

This shoot started off early in the morning so we could try to beat the harsh sunlight. We met at the gas station to fuel the cars and ourselves with some energy, ie monster, red bull, amp, anything to get us going.

After fueling we were on the road in a two car caravan headed south on highway 285. What a beautiful drive we had up through the foothills and finally stopping in Conifer. We were blest with some clouds to help get us some open shade lighting which helped greatly. I had a great time and we ended with a good amount of images to work with!

May 9, 2008 - World Rally Blue & Obsidian Black Pearl STI's

Another great night shoot with some nice cars and great people. We traveled around Denver to find some new locations. Some of the great locations we found, we were unable to shoot at which was quite unfortunate because they would have been excellent! Although, the spots where we were able to shoot at, turned out great as well!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

April 25 2008 - Ubran Gray Metallic & Obsidian Black Pearl STI's

This was a fun and somewhat experimental shoot for me. We went to some of our old locations to get some new shots. The alley was used again so we could get a shot of Chris' new car to try and make it resemble the great shot we got of his previous 04 WRX. We were also starting to experiment with the rolling shots at night as well! The outcome from the night was great yet again!